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Industry Insights

Industry insight, analysis and opinion

The Case For a Better Work-Life Balance

12th December 2019

A recent Monster poll showed that more than 80% of the population felt that they were not happy with their work-life balance. Quite simply, people are feeling overworked. Worryingly the UK has been named the "unpaid overtime capital of Europe" with full-time employees who worked an average of an extra 6.4 hours per week without being paid.

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Miriam Hanna
How to Celebrate and Own Your Successes

29th October 2019

I’ve met a fair few people over the last month and I’ve noticed that one trait that people struggle with most in the workplace, is confidence. Often, this is because overconfidence can be perceived as arrogance and we are worried about others’ perceptions.

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Miriam Hanna
Q3 Public Affairs – The 5 Most in Demand Hires

25th September 2019

We are in a tumultuous political environment and the public affairs industry has had to work hard to be prepared for the several possible scenarios we could be encountering over the next few years. With so much new territory, the focus of hiring has been to strengthen the diversity of expertise…

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Miriam Hanna
Does Everyone Deserve a Defence?

23rd August 2019

The Great Hack is a Netflix documentary that takes a look at Cambridge Analytica’s involvement in elections and referenda around the world. After Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony to Congress, Cambridge Analytica (and not Facebook!) had a reputational disaster with relentless negative press across the world.

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Miriam Hanna
BoJo: Our Advice for Day One in a New Job

24th July 2019

You have been looking forward to this job your entire life. It is your ambition realised. You have gone through a campaign where your life has been picked apart and every element of your history examined. Added to that, it is a job many describe as a poisoned chalice at this particular point. So how on earth do you get through your first day?

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Miriam Hanna
Is working in-house all it’s cracked up to be?

13th June 2019

It is a stat we repeat on an almost daily basis that 8 out of 10 people we speak to only want to consider making a move in-house. We hear phrases such as “I want to get under the skin of one brand”, “I want to be involved in the decisions that are made”, “I am tired of spinning lots of plates”, “I have no interest in going down the new business route in agency.” But do expectations and reality match up?

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Miriam Hanna
Year of the Cloud

22nd May 2019

One of the most popular technology programmes taking place globally is businesses moving to the Cloud and Artificial Intelligence to hold and manage their data and processes. The race between the giants such as Amazon (Web Services), Microsoft, IBM and Google Cloud has been heating up as 2019 becomes the year of the cloud.

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Miriam Hanna