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How to Celebrate and Own Your Successes

by Alicia Buckley, Associate Consultant MadlinHanna Consulting

I’ve met a fair few people over the last month and I’ve noticed that one trait that people struggle with most in the workplace, is confidence. Often, this is because overconfidence can be perceived as arrogance and we are worried about others’ perceptions. There are very few people who have the confidence to openly celebrate their own successes. On the whole, we are quick to downplay our own achievements and consequently, people are undervalued in their status, salary or recognition. So, in the spirit of promoting confidence, here’s a couple of tips to prove yourself to you:

Record What You Do Well

It might sound simple but when you create a tangible list as you go, you can refer back to it when you need it in an interview or a pay review meeting and don’t have to scramble for the information at a critical point! Jot down successful projects, times when you’ve managed a team well or even just praise from a peer or superior. Think of it as building a case for your own value.

 “I” Instead Of “We”

Learn to recognise where you have excelled individually. Working as a team can be highly rewarding but make sure you know where you have brought your own expertise to the group. Describing something as a team effort doesn’t conflict with putting your name to a particular idea.

Nobody can do what you do

It sounds a little cliché but no person is exactly the same. You will bring your own individuality and skills to the task. Acknowledge what makes you unique and celebrate it!

Holding to your value and contributions are essential in this competitive market and it is the only way to set yourself apart from colleagues and competitors. No one will do it for you!

MadlinHanna Consulting is a recruitment consultancy specialising in corporate affairs, covering public affairs, corporate communications and financial PR. Contact us on 020 8088 4102 for more information or a confidential conversation.

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