Public Affairs | Corporate Communications | Financial PR

For Candidates

Securing you career-defining roles

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Wider Industry Insight

Whose teams are doing well? Who has a good culture of flexible working? Is the agency you’re considering top-heavy? Can you progress in an in-house structure? All questions you can't be expected to know the answers to. You very rarely have the time to keep informed on the wider industry in which you operate. We do that for you and our knowledge of the market is not restricted to the clients we work with. We make it our business to know what's going on so we can offer you that extra insight.

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Career Consultation

Whether you have a 10-year career plan or no plan at all, we know how important the decision behind each new role is. Spending time, face-to-face over a cup of coffee, talking through what you really value in your career, what you enjoy in your day-to-day work and what you are not too worried about losing helps to identify the best next step for you. Sometimes the best option is to stay put and it is important we offer that advice if it is the right thing to do. 

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Salary Support

You may have a rough idea of where you sit on the salary scale from overheard conversations or hints. Understanding where you slot into the wider industry to make sure you are being valued correctly by your firm is an important exercise. Moving roles simply to get a higher salary is never a good motivator. Frustrations about pay can be solved with your current employer and we can offer support with building the business case to get that increase you deserve.