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Year of the Cloud

by Josh Hutchison, Principal Consultant MadlinHanna Consulting 

One of the most popular technology programmes taking place globally is businesses moving to the Cloud and Artificial Intelligence to hold and manage their data and processes. The race between the giants such as Amazon (Web Services), Microsoft, IBM and Google Cloud has been heating up as 2019 becomes the year of the cloud.

Microsoft vs Amazon

Two big technology giants are leading the way and commentators have credited Microsoft’s turnaround as a business in part on CEO Satya Nadella focusing on developing their Cloud capabilities. Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the parent company’s highest source of profit.

Big Spending

In 2019, cloud computing is expected to increase IT expenditure by 3.2% to $3.72 trillion.  Whilst most technology services have a race to the bottom when it comes to pricing, cloud technology is showing the opposite trend with Google recently increasing the price of G-suite. Cost management is a big theme for cloud customers and rightly so!

The Job Market

So what is the impact on the job market? Well, lower level IT jobs such as administrators or helpdesk staff will not be as needed internally. However Cloud providers will need these guys instead so the jobs will still be there but with the service providers rather than the service recipients. Positions that are currently used for moving to the cloud (business analysts, project managers, developers) will still be needed to help leverage the data. Security roles are on the rise with Architects and Engineers being the most sought after.

Some research has suggested that companies who sell cloud-based services are projected £15B annual revenue which will potentially create over 700,000 jobs in the next 5 years. The future of roles is in big data and cyber security so please get in contact if you would like to be ahead of the game.

MadlinHanna Consulting is a recruitment consultancy specialising in corporate affairs, covering public affairs, corporate communications and financial PR. Contact us on 020 8088 4102 for more information or a confidential conversation.

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