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Outsourced, bespoke, long-term

Outsourced recruitment Function

Our secondments offer the opportunity to have a MadlinHanna consultant sitting within a client’s business for a set number of days per week at a fixed monthly fee, dedicated 100% to solving their recruitment challenges. Acting as an extension of an existing recruitment team or leading talent acquisition in its entirety, they will communicate as though they are employed by the business, be a physical presence in the office and give clients the edge in a competitive recruitment market.

All of this gives the client access to a quasi-internal recruiter, managed by MadlinHanna Consulting within a performance-driven environment, surrounded by market knowledge and expert insights.

Comprehensive remit

The seconded MadlinHanna consultant can take on all of a client’s recruitment-related responsibilities. These include managing relationships with internal stakeholders, taking vacancy briefs, writing job descriptions, managing advert responses, proactively mapping and headhunting, undertaking screening calls, shortlisting for and scheduling interviews, managing feedback and offers, handling graduate schemes, presenting at board meetings, offering senior counsel, salary benchmarking and advising on employer branding.

Our consultants will undertake these tasks within any existing recruitment structures, or build new frameworks from scratch for any elements not already carried out.


Our secondments are a bespoke service tailored to each individual client. They can be dialled up and down depending on demands. Our consultants can parachute in to fill a temporary gap in a client’s internal recruitment capacity, jump on board to manage a rapid recruitment project for a specific team or stay retained over a number of years to lead on long-term, international talent acquisition.

We understand the recruitment tap often needs to be turned on and off depending on circumstances and our secondments are designed precisely for that. They are suitable for every business regardless of size, budget and need.