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Public Affairs Agency Update – Q1 2019

by Warren Madlin, Director at MadlinHanna Consulting

With no-confidence votes, calls for a second referendum and major transport issues on an almost daily basis, 2018 came to an end with a bang for the public affairs industry. Here we explore what to expect in Q1 of 2019.

The “B” Word

The huge uncertainty around the path Brexit will take means big corporates are nervous. They need contingency plans so are leaning on their Public Affairs agencies and consultants for guidance. Those agencies with an expert in EU regulation/policy or a branded Brexit team are obviously benefitting the most from this whereas those who didn’t look to hire an EU specialist immediately after the referendum result appear to have missed a trick. Every client is trying to get their pound of flesh, agency employees are being squeezed and teams are under immense pressure trying to keep up with the twists and turns. There is a real need to focus on employee well-being as this political unrest unravels.

Big Name Hires

In times of uncertainty businesses want reassurance and security from their advisors. There is no better comfort than a big name at the end of the phone. The incentive for agencies to get a big Government name or political journalist on board is ever more important and clients will pay through the roof for the very best contact book. Worth mentioning that the consultants who have the intricate regulatory knowledge normally reserved for lawyers are increasingly in demand, so as well as your heavyweight lobbyists (if you haven’t already) it’s time to get your policy geek on board.

To Bring Together or Move Apart?

After a wave of agencies smashing their corporate comms and PA teams together, I am seeing a trend of the reverse. Agencies are benefiting from having a specialist team of pure public affairs experts. It’s becoming less attractive to have a diluted approach. On the flip-side, there is increasing talk of a merge between two 40-strong agencies, each a specialist in quite a different area. Watch this space for some activity late on in the year.

Snapshot of Hiring Needs

As in previous years, every agency wants solid Account Managers and Account Directors. The mid-level continues to be a pinch point. Those agencies with the best profile and social media channels are finding it easy to bring grads on. Most of my agencies are open to meeting Associate Directors on a speculative basis and rainmaker Directors who can pay for themselves within the first year. Oh, and if you haven’t yet bolstered your Corbyn-facing firepower, those savvy clients who want to prepare for a possible Labour Government will only look elsewhere.

To discuss the senior requirements of your public affairs team or your future career plans contact Warren Madlin on

MadlinHanna Consulting is a recruitment consultancy specialising in corporate affairs, covering public affairs, corporate communications and financial PR. Contact us on 020 8088 4102 for more information or a confidential conversation.

Miriam Hanna