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How 200 PRs Handled One (Rather Large) Crisis

by Warren Madlin, Director at MadlinHanna Consulting

You all have a CEO that enjoys their unguarded remarks and everyone is fearful of a client stumbling on an equality issue or having their systems hacked. At best, you send out the apology you had on ice. At worst, it’s one for the ‘special situations’ team.

But what do you do when the crisis isn’t just on your doorstep, but it’s in the door and firmly sat at your desk? For 200 employees of Bell Pottinger, the spotlight has turned in a rather uncomfortable direction.

But don’t let me preach to you about PR, that’s your space – let me tell you what this crisis means for us head hunters.

Dear Candidates

Your phones will be ringing more, and it won’t just be journalists. Unfortunately, I think we may be alone in deciding not to clamber over every single employee of Bell Pottinger in the hope that they have become unsettled. Why? Because opportunistic head hunting is rarely a pleasant experience and we take no pleasure in seeing the downfall of a two-decades old major player in our industry.

So, should you jump ship? That depends. If you interview elsewhere purely through fear of where this saga will lead, my advice is to stop. Max Clifford didn’t ruin celebrity PR and the Guptas won’t ruin Bell Pottinger. Some of your colleagues will leave – see it as an opportunity, take on more responsibility.

Dear Management

Approach the elephant in the room – immediately. Communication is absolutely vital if you are to keep your team when the agency market for talent is truly fierce. Don’t let your juniors learn the ins and outs of the case from PR Week.

Head hunters across London will be convincing your team of Bell Pottinger’s demise – reassure them. You’ve lost clients, but you’re also still winning pitches – it’s time to celebrate those wins that bit harder.

What Next?

PR is built on a foundation of influencing people – it’s to be expected that lines will be crossed when human misjudgements are made, sometimes seriously. In this case, lessons can and must be learnt.

The PRCA hearing into Bell Pottinger’s actions is taking place tomorrow (Friday 18th August) and the outcome is expected to be announced week commencing 4th September. Watch this space.

MadlinHanna Consulting is a recruitment consultancy specialising in corporate affairs, covering public affairs, corporate communications and financial PR. Contact us on 020 8088 4102 for more information or a confidential conversation.

Miriam Hanna